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Natural Awakenings, Palm Beach County, Florida

Classified Ads

Classified Advertising is sold by the word.  Fifteen (15) words can run for up to three months for the rate of $90 (the minimum charge). Additional words are $6 each for the three month series.  Use the form following to submit your ad. Pricing is per Edition. Placement can be for Broward County Edition, Palm Beach Edition, or both.

Once we have calculated the rate, we will then contact you for the rest of your payment information. 

If this is for an event, sign-in and become a member of our online community to promote a CALENDAR event. What is submitted for IN-PRINT is automatically promoted online. Here's a link for more details about submitting calendar items

We retain the right to modify ads for clarity.

We will place the classified ad in the next available print issue. 